
Digital technology

Italian design

Diagnostic line

Hearing aids



Research and development

Tradition & Experience

Horentek was founded under the impulse of the two founding partners who, with over 30 years of experience in the field of hearing aids, represent a point of reference from a professional and human point of view. Horentek’s challenge represents, thanks to the staff young and trained, something innovative in the field of audiology. Producing hearing aids entirely Made in Italy, in order to guarantee that the highly professional and qualified Italian tradition can be spread globally.

Where you can finds us

Horentek, thanks to the products and the undisputed professionalism of its operators, is already present and active in the American continent, in the Middle East, in Europe, in India and also in Africa. This was possible thanks to the desire that distinguishes Horentek, in providing support to customers of the highest profile, anywhere in the world.

Design & development of the products Made in Italy

Horentek’s ability to develop Made in Italy products lies not only in the professional ability of the technicians, but also in a proven series of checks and tests with audioanalysers and dedicated instrumentation, extremely effective, in order to obtain the best results from the hearing aids, so as to improve hearing recovery for the hearing impaired of any age.

Interesting future prospects

Horentek strongly believes in the future, in the possibility of still encountering unexplored land in terms of hearing aid, in deed Horentek aims to put the experience at the service of those who need a solution to their hearing problems, anywhere on the planet, placing hearing improvement at the center of the mission, in order to restore a better ability for these individuals to relate to society.

Reseach & Development

Technological innovation

Implementation of new technologies

Horentek has always dedicated a lot of space to research and technological innovation, at the point that the Tuscany region rewarded  these efforts made by the company by awarding it the TUSCAN INNOVATION AWARD in 2019. This today does not represent a point of arrival, but a stimulus in following up on the important work already carried out, in order to improve the products and the quality of the services offered

Wide range of products available

Horentek, thanks to the advanced laboratory and the Research and Development division, is able to develop and produce a wide range of devices for hearing aids and audiology. Some of them have also been patented such as LEONARDO and FEEL. Obviously, in the range of devices produced by Horentek we cannot fail to mention the Made in Italy hearing aids, produced in our headquarters in Livorno and exported all over the world, appreciated by end users for their sound quality and for their remarkable amplification capacity, despite their small size. In addition to the hearing aids, other devices are also in great request, such as audiometers, Middle ear analyzers and even the newborn screening idevice, OAE screener. All our devices obtianed the CE mark, which is essential for identifying medical devices of quality, moreover our company is ISO certified, this certifies that the procedures and processes comply the ISO 9001 and 13485 standards.

The awareness of investing in innovation to improve the future

HORENTEK® focuses not only on the product and service innovation, but on the systemic innovation intended as the ability to create sector chains aimed at international markets, to integrate product/service innovation with process / organizational innovation.

Horentek® looks to the future with the awareness that investing in innovation is crucial to allow the company to improve its products and services. Horentek® has involved, from the very beginning, in the technological innovation of the product, renowned Italian companies operating in the field of research and development such as the Research Center of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa and the Faculty of Electronic Engineering of the University of Parma.

Certainly the collaboration with the Havana Institute of Neuroscience already represents a concrete commitment in terms of innovation and research.

It is our pleasure to highlight some of the current fields of work in which Horentek® is investing in terms of both financial and human resources, involving the young bioengineers of the staff:


The Feel is a device designed for children and newborn who have to undergo cochlear implant surgery. It is a small electronic egg shaped device, light and discreet, to be worn by the child in the months preceding the surgery, to help him develop awareness and interaction with the external environment, essential in the first months of life. Deaf children tend to alienate themselves if not properly stimulated, and the FEEL allows them to combine the sound perceived through the hearing aid with a tactile vibration, modulated according to the child’s personal needs. This allows for example, to emphasize the favorite sounds, such as mom’s footsteps.


With the FEEL Project Horentek® was awarded first place in the patent section of the prestigious “Tuscan Innovation Award “2019 ( that enhances research and technological and digital innovation, bringing out successful entrepreneurial projects and experiences.

VERSUS Project

Virtual-Reality Enhanced Rehabilitation for Sustainable and Usable Services

“HORENTEK S.r.l. – Project co-financed under Tuscany POR FESR 2014-2020”

The research project aims to create a technologically advanced platform, called VERSUS, for the robot-assisted rehabilitation of the upper limb of post-stroke patients. In particular, the objective of the project is to ensure the optimization and continuity of hospital-territory care of the rehabilitation treatment.

The need for the development of this platform is part of a context in which the Tuscany Region has a path of revision of the assistance paths for an optimization of information technologies. The management model provides for the achievement of a continuity of care from the hospitalization phase to the territorial phase.

Given the high incidence of stroke, which represents the second leading cause of death in the world and the third leading cause of death in industrialized countries, and the first cause of disability in the elderly, the target of users of the VERSUS platform is represented by patients post-stroke in the phase subacute.

In particular, the proposed platform will consist of two settings: one for intensive rehabilitation hospitalization, one for outpatient services. The VERSUS platform will consist of:

  • A software platform for the management of rehabilitation treatment, which will allow management from hospitalization from the de-hospitalization phase to the territorial phase. The platform will allow the clinical team (physiatrist / neurologist, physiotherapist) to plan the rehabilitation protocol most suited to the residual functions of the patient and the recovery objectives expected in the rehabilitation program;
  • A virtual reality software platform for robot-assisted rehabilitation characterized by a system for immersive visualization, with the possibility of use also in stereoscopy, to solve the difficulty of currently existing visualization systems which, due to their size, greatly reduce the sense of presence and immersion in the virtual environment;
  • Wearable sensors for movement monitoring, in terms of joint angles, speed and acceleration, to quantitatively evaluate motor recovery through kinematic data and joint intervals;
  • Modular devices, for the rehabilitation of the upper limb (e.g. shoulder, forearm, wrist) and modules for the rehabilitation of the hand (e.g. index-thumb opposition, index-middle opposition).

The design and development of this platform will take place through four operational objectives in which it will be carried out: the identification of the functional requirements and technical specifications that will characterize the platform (operational objective 1), the development and validation of the various modules (operational objectives 2 and 3) clinical trial and platform engineering (operational objective 4).


Audiological Platform for Hearing Aid Fitting

Creation of a software platform for the management and global sharing of all Horentek S.r.l. devices, from hearing aids to diagnsotic devices for audiology

The project called HORENTEK INVESTIMENTI 2021 financed by the Call “Investment Fund Tuscany – Aid for investments” POR CreO FESR 2014-2020 has allowed Horentek to acquire, among other things, important intangible assets such as software strictly functional to the business activity in order to to improve and extend the services and products offered and the opportunities for market penetration.